Supervisor of Elections, Caroline Fawkes, is pleased to share with the public the week of Events for the Elections System of the Virgin Islands 60th Anniversary Celebration. The celebration will kick off on Friday, February 17, 2023 conclude on Saturday, February 25, 2023. Events are planned on all three islands. The culmination being the 60th Anniversary Jubilee at the Ritz Carlton, St. Thomas on February 25, 2023.
The Elections System of the Virgin Islands is enthusiastic, eager, and ready to sparkle as we celebrate this major milestone.
The Elections System of the Virgin Islands (ESVI) was created through Act No. 936 on February 20, 1963, by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. The authority for the Election System of the Virgin Islands is derived from Title 18 of the Virgin Islands Code. The statue establishes the organizational structure of the Agency, which is comprised of two divisions: Boards of Elections, and the Office of the Supervisor of Election. Each District consists of seven (7) members elected from the respective districts for a four (4) year term; the St. Thomas-St. John District must include two (2) members who reside on the island of St. John. St. John.
The Elections System of the Virgin Islands is grateful for the support of the voting public throughout our 60 years. Transparency in our operations is important to us and to the voters whom we serve. Board members, staff, and Elections Officials are well trained and always adhere to four established steps of public accountability during an election cycle: verify the voter list, verify who did vote, ensure accurate counting of the vote, and remain vigilant that there is a fail-proof chain of custody for every vote cast,” concluded Supervisor Caroline F. Fawkes.
“Thriving with Integrity, Elections System Celebrates Sixty!”