VIVOTE – Election System of the Virgin Islands

Government of the Virgin Islands

Who We Are

Elections System of the Virgin Islands

The Board of Elections are established in Title 18, Chapter 3, Section 41, of the Virgin Islands Code. There are two election districts within the Virgin Islands: The District of St. Croix and the District of St. Thomas/St. John. Each district has a Membership of seven who are elected by the electors in each district to terms of four years. The St. Thomas/St. John District shall include at least two members who are residents of St. John. No more than four members of the same political party shall be members of each board. The Board of Elections and Office of the Supervisor comprises, the Elections Systems.


The registration of electors and the conduct of primaries and general elections.

Issuance of certificates of appointment to election officers.

The preservation, storage and maintenance of registers and primary and general election equipment of all kinds.

Receive from election officers the returns of all primaries and general elections, canvass and compute the returns, and certify, no later than one week following the primary or general elections, and forwarding of the results thereof to the Supervisor of Elections;

The preservation, storage and maintenance of registers and primary and general election equipment of all kinds.

Recommendations to the Legislature of amendments to the election laws in conjunction with the Supervisor of Elections.

Performance of all functions with respect to party enrollment of electors.

The Board of Elections shall meet, at least quarterly, to promulgate and issue uniform rules and regulations for the administration and enforcement of the election laws throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands.