Government of the Virgin Islands​


Chairman Raymond J. Williams of the Virgin Islands Board of Elections today reconvened the meeting held on January 10, 2023, to organize the executive leadership of the board. At that meeting, the board was unable to elect a chairperson after several rounds of balloting, drawing six votes each for both Alecia Wells and Williams, the incumbent chair. Remaining members of the 14-member board were either absent or chose not to cast a ballot. A motion, followed to recess the meeting until the call of the chair but not later than the last day in January. The meeting was called back to order, today, January 25, 2023, with six members in attendance.

Chairperson Williams explained about the reconvened meeting that “once the meeting was called to order, I stated that this was a continuation of the initial meeting of January 10th. Thereafter, member Michael Joseph called for a motion for a quorum call. That motion failed for a second. Member Michael Joseph called for a point of order at which time he stated on the record his opinion as to the meeting being continued absent of a quorum present.” Board members moved forward, however, to cast their ballots with member Joseph returning a blank ballot. After tabulation of the ballots, it was reported out to the members present that Williams received five of the six votes. The meeting was then adjourned shortly thereafter.

According to Williams, shortly after the meeting, he reconsidered the action taken and determined that the votes should be recalled and are now deemed null and void due to not establishing a quorum at the onset of the meeting. “This was my error, and as a result we will reconvene the meeting at the availability of a majority of the board members and as soon as possible to dispose of the matter of the chairmanship,” Williams said.

At the meeting on January 10, members Shikima Jones Sprauve and Lydia Hendricks were elected vice chairperson and secretary, respectively. Those votes will stand. The members present at the reconvened meeting were Shikima Jones Sprauve, Atanya Springette, Michael Joseph, Kareem Francis, Florine Hassell and Williams. Members Epiphane Joseph, Angeli Leerdam, and Lilliana Belardo gave advanced notice of their unavailability, and members Lisa Moorhead and Harriett Mercer notified staff via email that they could not attend. Three members, Arturo Watlington, Alecia Wells, and Lydia Hendricks were not present.



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