Message from the Supervisor

Thank you for visiting the official web site of the Supervisor of Elections System, Virgin Islands. This site is for you, the voters of the Virgin Islands. Our goal is to answer any questions you may have about the election process. Within our site, you will find information for voters, candidates and poll workers, including links to state and federal web sites, Board Meeting Agenda’s, information on community outreach events and newspaper articles.
My greatest desire is to see all eligible residents register and VOTE! The right to vote is one of our most cherished privileges as American citizens. We offer you several convenient ways to exercise your right: Absentee Voting and at the polls.Â
On behalf of the Election System of the U.S. Virgin Islands, it is a pleasure and honor for me to welcome you to our web site. It is my hope that this medium provides easy access for all local election-related information.
It is our goal is to ensure that all visitors to this website have access to the necessary information and resources. This site will be updated regularly, especially during an election year, providing a current Calendar of Events for candidates and voters alike.