Supervisor of Elections Caroline F. Fawkes reminds candidates and political committees that pursuant to Title 18 Virgin Islands Code, Section 905, the June 30th Campaign Disclosure Report is fast approaching. Supervisor Fawkes states that, “the June 30, 2023, disclosure report must be submitted to the Office of the Supervisor of Elections no later than Friday, July 18, 2023.”
Important Note: If you have closed your account, please submit your bank statement reflecting that fact and if you have under $500 left in your account during this reporting period, you do not need to submit a report, just a letter stating such.
Furthermore, Supervisor Fawkes has indicated that, “failure to submit the campaign disclosure report by the deadline will result in candidates and political committees incurring fees.” Candidates who are delinquent in submitting their report(s) are subject to having their names published in the local newspapers as elected officials.
In addition, any Candidate interested in obtaining a Campaign Disclosure Report Filing Overview, you may contact the Supervisor of Elections at 340-773-1021.
Campaign Disclosure Reports should be delivered to the following office locations:
STX- Main Sunny Isles Shopping Center (Unit 26, 1st Floor)
STT- 9200 LOCKHART GARDENS (Above Banco Popular)