Three days remain for voters to cast their ballot during the 2024 General Election Early Voting. The last day to early vote for the 2024 General Election is Monday, October 28, 2024. Voting Centers are open on Saturdays and Sundays.
To date, an impressive 4,877 number of electors have voted territory-wide. Supervisor Fawkes encourages voters to take advantage of this opportunity to avoid the lines on Election Day. The General Election will be held on November 5, 2024. The Early Voting Locations are:
•St. Croix Elections Office-Sunny Isles Shopping Center Unit 26
•St. Thomas Elections Office- Lockhart Gardens (Upstairs Banco Popular)
•St. John Elections Office- Market Place Suite II, 3rd Floor
The number of electors who participated in Early Voting as of Friday, October 25, 2024, is as follows: St. Thomas –2,064, St. John –106 and St. Croix –2,707, a total of 4,877 voter’s territory wide. This represents 16% percentage of active registered voters. With the weekend fast approaching, voters can cast their vote during the weekend. Hours and locations remain the same.
In closing, Supervisor Fawkes states,” Voting is the foundation stone of political action.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
For any question or concern, please contact the Elections offices at 340-773-1021 (St. Croix Elections Office) or 340-774-3107 (St. Thomas Elections Office).